Nature News

What was the coolest thing I saw in nature this week?:

Last night, I watched a lizard eat a dragonfly on the wall in my house. For some reason, the dragonfly was attracted to the fluorescent light in my living room. It continued to fly around the light and catch the attention of two white lizards. For ten minutes, my roommate and I watched the lizard stalk its prey. We watched and waited for ten minutes. And then, all of a sudden, the lizard leaped at the dragonfly and caught the dragonfly in its mouth. The lizard scurried away to enjoy its dinner in peace. Nature is pretty incredible.

Other Nature News from this week:

It's hard to describe just how intense and strong the rainstorms can be until you experience it for yourself. We have a leak in our roof that drips rainwater into our living room. Fortunately, our house hasn't flooded yet. Sometimes the street in our neighborhood turns into a small river during a rainstorm. Rainstorms in Vietnam are an incredible reminder of nature's power.
