Nature News

You can travel just outside of the cities and see these animals grazing in the pastures. A lot of people like to take photos of themselves with these cows!

What was the coolest thing I saw in nature this week?:

My favorite thing about Geneva is that the city is surrounded by mountains! Even though I am living in a big urban area, I can look up and see nature all around me. My apartment is right next to a mountian called Mont Salève. On sunny days, it is most gorgeous here right before sundown. Do you see much nature around you each day where you live?

Other Nature News from this week:

One thing that is deemed to be very important in Switzerland is the eating of fresh fruits and vegetables. Instead of shopping once a week, many Swiss people will go to a farmer's market a few times a week. This is a place where farmers can sell their own produce to people, and this food is much fresher than that which you can buy it in the supermarket. Going to farmer's markets is also a fun way for people to meet up in the town square. I love going to see what produce the farmers have each week. There is a lot of variety: you can even find giant zucchinis!
