Talking to a University student

What are some common kids' names at your school?:

Her university is fairly international so there is a whole range of names. To share a few: she has a few classes with people named Lynn, Sarah, Maschio, Reim and Jakob.

What subjects do you study in school, and which one is your favorite?:

Ramona is studying computational linguistics, which basically means she studies computer programming languages as well as a little bit of foreign languages. Her favorite class right now is Mandarin Chinese.

What is your homework like?:

During the semester Ramona does not really have weekly homework. Instead, for her classes she will have either a final exam or a final project (or Hausarbeit) due. One of Ramona's more mathematical courses has weekly exercises, but this class is the exception in this respect.

What do you like to do after school? Do you have a favorite sport or game?:

Once a week after school, Ramona takes a kickboxing class. Otherwise, she will head straight home after school, or she will go food shopping or spend time studying in the library.

Who is your favorite famous person?:

She could not come up with a favorite famous person.

What kinds of music do you listen to?:

Ramona listens to a vareity of music. Usually her tastes run towards German and international music, especially artists from Germany or the U.K. and U.S.A.  She sometimes listens to anime music or rap. The kind of music Ramona listens to also depends on how she is feeling.
