Farewell from Latvia!

Since I was once in your exact spot, I can definitely empathize and relate to those of you who may want to branch out and explore following graduation. Of course, there are uncertainties and nerves and challenges that come with choosing to do so, but please don’t let those feelings stop you! Even though I am definitely working in the STEM branch of professions, these opportunities are not limited by interest or aspiration or career path. There are experts on everything all over the world. Just as science is global by nature, so are art, business, agriculture, politics, social work and humanities... and the list goes on and on. Whatever it is you’re interested in, I’d recommend seeing how far and wide the web really goes!  

I knew almost nothing about Latvia, including its culture, politics and cities, before deciding that I wanted to research here, but I surprised myself by how adaptable I was. Most of that can be attributed to the fact that there are always people out there in the world willing to help you out, and the Latvians that I’ve met and befriended have been nothing short of amazing and kind. I’d strongly encourage each of you to fully immerse into an experience that is going to challenge you and make you uncomfortable, because you’ll leave that experience as a better version of yourself.

Thanks again for following along, and I’m sure we’ll chat again sooner than later!
