A Community Fit For Me

I learned that their city only has three parts: el norte (the north), el sur (the south), and el centro de la ciudad (the downtown of the city). The size of Ecuador is equivalent to about five states within the U.S. altogether, they only use the terms east and west when referring to all of Ecuador. We also went on a boat tour of the Guayas River. This tour would teach me how important the river was for the economy and how it is used today. I can always count on Malecón to pass time, whether it is going for a peaceful walk, touring or eating. Another one of my favorite places near the park is a popular coffee shop called El Mono Goloso (The Sweet Monkey). Here, I have been sitting in for piping hot cups of coffee and making new friends with the cool staff members. They are always excited to see the new girl in town (me) stopping by to teach a little English and to taste their latest desserts and coffee flavors.

Whenever I am not touring or eating out, I serve as a medical intern and Spanish student. Each day of my internship provides endless interactions with patients of the community. The staff is also very patient with me when trying to explain the Spanish version of medical terms. We have all come to know each other well through several talks about our families, occupations and hobbies. At school, I have a professor that teaches both the English and Spanish languages. Because I am his only Spanish student, I asked for an introduction to his other students. This would bring about new peers to connect with during the weekends. While they learn English with me, I learn Spanish with them.
