The Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo

I believe his was the first time I felt a rush of emotions while looking at an animal. I had shivers all the way down my spine as I finally laid eyes on the yellow-tailed black cockatoo, captivated by the sound it was making. I spotted three of them, flying high up in the sky with their wings beating in synchrony, almost in slow motion. It was a very special moment that I wished would never end. Seeing them flying out in the distance for the next two minutes was great. I was happy I could stop what I was doing and simply observe the group as it disappeared behind the tree line. 

Where does it live?:

The yellow-tailed black cockatoo is typically found in southeastern Australia and in Tasmania. 

How does it use its environment to survive?:

They live in a wide variety of habitats and can feed on seeds from different native trees. They typically use large vertical hollows from isolated trees for nesting. This is were they raise their young!

What can harm this creature or plant? Are we worried about it?:

Although deforestation and bushfires can potentially destroy their habitat, they can live in a wide range of environments, which makes them less vulnerable to human and natural disturbances compared to other species.

Wilsons Promontory National Park
