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In Japan, a common quick grab-and-go food from the convenient store is niku-man (meat bun). Niku-man are Chinese in origin but remain popular in Japan today. This sandwich tasted like a fresh niku-man with lettuce, and the sauce was tangy and sweet! It was fun trying a Japanese food shaped like an American icon.

What music did I listen to this week?:

This week I listened to the album HOUSE by Japanese girl indie rock band, Yonige. The album is both upbeat and chill. I love being able to test my Japanese skills by listening to music here! Since it released late last year, the album is still relatively new. I EVEN ran into a display for it at my local bookstore. I've been hooked ever since.

What activity was the most fun this week?:

Since I was in the city, I was able to go to Disneyland for the first time! This was amazing because my best friend from America came to visit. We have always dreamed of visiting Disney together; we were finally able to go! She speaks no Japanese, but we were able to have a great time on all of the rides--and I got a lot of practice translating for her).

What did I read this week?:

During my long ride to and from Tokyo, I began reading A Haunting at Hill House, which is a horror novel that a Netflix show was based on. My friend brought it from America as a late Christmas gift, and my brain needed a break from reading in Japanese! It's been a simultaneously relaxing and suspenseful read.

What games or sports did I play this week?:

Since my hostel was next door to an arcade, we spent a lot of time relaxing and battling each other at rhythm games late into the night.
