What's For Dinner?

My favorite street food is yaroa (basically the Dominican version of loaded fries) and pica pollo (fried chicken). Yum!

How did I feel when I tried it?:

One of my unofficial Peace Corps mottos is "Say yes to everything." So even when you're offered a dish that's different from what you're used to eating, it's always good to give it a try! For example, I didn't like avocado before I came to the DR, but when my host family offered me fresh avocado with dinner, I decided to give it a second chance. Now it's one of my favorite foods here!

How is the food prepared?:

Most Dominicans have gas stoves that they use for cooking. Food is usually fried or boiled, and fruits are often turned into fresh juice.

Is this food connected to the local environment? How?:

Yes! Food in the DR is often locally sourced. Your neighbor may own chickens which provide fresh eggs and meat, or have their own finca (land) where they grow plantains, bananas or viveres (root vegetables). And like I said earlier, the DR is a tropical country which means that tropical trees and plants are abundant so you might have a mango or avocado tree growing in your own backyard! 

Monte Christi, Dominican Republic
Location Data:
POINT (-71.4433984 19.7396899)
