A Trip to Paris!

This series consist of about eight paintings that are placed in two rooms. Each painting is very large, taking up the height and width of the walls. When you walk into the room, you are asked to be silent. I really loved this becasue it gave each viewer time to let the paintings inspire us, and to feel the peace which the painter intended us to feel while viewing them. 

Lastly, when you go to Paris, you must have an empty stomach! There is so many yummy things to try. When you walk the streets, you can smell all the different things that chefs are cooking, or bakers are baking! Your tummy is growling all day long. When I went to Paris, I tried two very famous things. The first was French onion soup. This soup is so flavorful with onions, broth, bread, and a thick coat of cheese on top. The second thing I tried was a macaroon. It is a small softer cookie with a gooey filling inside. They have flavors from caramel, to lemon, and even crazy flavors such as rose!

As you know, I am a designer, and there is a large culture of high fashion in Paris. I was grateful to get inspired by my surroundings there, not only by what people were wearing or what was in stores, but by art, nature, and architecuture. I look forward to how I can use what I learned and experienced in my future designs. I don't think this will be the last time I visit Paris. A very famous actress named Audrey Hepburn once said "Paris is always a good idea." I agree with her, Paris really is a dream. 
