Our News

It was sweet and sour chicken takeout from a Chinese restaurant. You can order online or on an app and a deliveryman on a bike zooms through the streets to bring it to you. 

I've tried to find traditional Dutch food, but I've noticed that (like in the US) the food here is a hodgepodge of cusines from all cultures.

What music did I listen to this week?:

The Dutch really love techno music. I hear it everywhere: in stores, at restaurants and at the gym. It sounds like a cacaphony of robots but I'm trying to learn to love it too. 

What activity was the most fun this week?:

On friday night, during the rainstorm I told you about earlier, I got drenched as I rode my bicycle with a friend of mine. My clothes were soaked and I could barely see through the downpour but there was something exhilarating about being out in the storm. 

What did I read this week?:

I've been reading Amsterdam: A History of the World's Most Liberal City, which is a book a friend loaned me. It's fun to learn about the ideological backbone of Dutch culture and to hear the history of some of the beautiful places I've visited. 

What games or sports did I play this week?:

I went to a yoga class at the university's gym. The class was jammed full of students and I could tell that fitness culture was just as big here as it is in the United States.

Other news from this week:

Instead of dividing up the school year in half into semesters (like I'm used to from back home), the school year is divided up into several eight week long blocks. It's only been 3 weeks so far, but I'm already halfway done with my classes!
