The Advent

With many working-age people moving to larger cities in order to make more money, most of the people living in Lanškroun are families with small children and elderly family members who live with them.

Is this need being met? How?:

The citizens of Lanškroun do their best to provide a strong support system all year round for the aging population. For example, my school canteen donates its leftover meals to the senior center every day. Also, especially during Christmastime, many concerts and fundraisers are held to raise money for the senior center facilities and to maintain a happy lifestyle for the people living there. This week, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend one of these events, a folk dance and music festival that donated its proceeds to the community senior center, while also putting on a cultural spectacular for the advent. Many events such as this one are put on by the local churches.

Lanškroun Czech Republic
