The Egg-cellent Cuisine of Taiwan

It is a stuffed omelet wrapped in a crepe-like cake that is usually sold as street food or in restaurants. 

How did I feel when I tried it?:

Who doesn't love rice? Adjusting to the Taiwanese diet has made me feel happier and healthier. I've not only lost a lot of fat, but I've learned to be comfortable with eating simpler, whole foods in all of my meals. Even the concept of eggs on the side of my dinner doesn't seem too out of place to me anymore. 

How is the food prepared?:

I've run into all kinds of eggs on my dinner plate: hard boiled, soft boiled, etc. What I haven't seen yet is a scrambled egg dish, which has surprised me. It is not that scrambled eggs are completely unheard of, as it's offered in sandwiches in stores. However, the standard is usually boiled. 

As for rice, the standard is usually a bowl of boiled rice with every dish. Fried rice like we see in Chinese restaurants in the United States is still popular here as well. Contents could include anything and everything from chicken and beef to squid and octopus.

Is this food connected to the local environment? How?:

Rice is a main crop to many Taiwanese farmlands. It is a staple food in many cultures because of the way it grows, how much it can grow and the amount of people it can feed. Rice eaten with chopsticks is very common here, and reflects back to Taiwan's history as a Chinese culture. Thus, it is a dish that connects to both the physical and social environments surrounding it.
