Traveler Bio

Hola (hello)! My name is Lisbet Jackson, and I’m 21 years old. I grew up in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Living around the mountains, I always loved hiking and being outdoors. If I’m not outside, I'm usually dancing, baking cookies or making sculptures out of clay. When I graduated high school, I moved to the East Coast to attend Bard College, which is located just two hours north of New York City. At Bard, I study Spanish and Poetry. I love to read, write and translate poems in both languages.

I’ve been studying Spanish for six years, but I haven’t felt very confident in my ability to speak the language. To improve my Spanish and learn about a different culture, I decided to study abroad. I was fortunate enough to receive a Gilman scholarship that made it possible for me to travel to Ecuador. Now, I’m going to school at the University San Francisco of Quito in Cumbaya, a town just south of Ecuador's capital, Quito. All of my classes are in Spanish. I also live with an Ecuadorian family near the university. We're in a town called Lumbisí.

Ecuador is beautiful and one of the most naturally diverse countries in the world. Here, I can hike in the Andes mountains, visit active volcanos, adventure into the Amazon rainforest, and much more. There are so many magical experiences awaiting me! I can’t wait to share them all with you and learn more about Ecuador together.