Nature News

Number of sunny days this week: 6
Number of cloudy days this week: 1
Number of rainy days this week: 0
Number of snowy days this week: 0
Number of windy days this week: 0
What is the air temperature right now in Fahrenheit?: 68
How was the weather this week?:

Hot and sunny! This weekend, the temperature climbed to almost 80 degrees Fahrenheit. That's close to 30 degrees Celsius, which is how people here measure temperature.

What animals did I see this week? :

I didn't see any animals of the four-legged kind...but I did see some 'animals' tearing up the race course at the half marathon I ran this week! The winner finished running 13.1 miles in under an hour. That means he ran 13 four-minute miles in a row.

What was the coolest thing I saw in nature this week?:

From where I live in the city, I can see the snowline receding on the mountains surrounding Dushanbe as the weather gets warmer and the snow melts. Every day, the snow creeps a little higher up the mountains.