Au Goh Gu Si (My Story)

Moreover, the exciting thing about growing up in New York City and one of the things I loved doing most as a kid was when my parents brought me to the city’s many museums. I remember taking weekend trips to the Metropolitan Museum of Art where I wandered in awe as I jumped from Egyptian temples to shiny arms and armor. These trips helped foster a love for the arts and it is what inspired me to study art history in college.

Nowadays, I am interested in the works of Asian and Asian-American artists. Like New York City, Hong Kong has a kaleidoscope of different galleries and art museums. If you ever see me around the city, I’ll probably be admiring some sort of artwork somewhere (that is if I am not hiking around the many trails that liter the city’s mountainside). Also like New York, Hong Kong is crowded and busy. It is funny that riding the crowded MTR (Hong Kong’s metro system) can sometimes help this New Yorker feel a bit less homesick.

Nevertheless, I am so happy to be in Hong Kong and to share my journeys around Asia with you! Joi keen (See you later)!
