Our News

What main languages are spoken here?:

While in Tokyo, I was surprised to find that fewer people speak English than I would have assumed. I believed since I was in the city and capital that there would be a wide variety of languages being spoken. However, many of the people I interacted with only spoke marginal English. The majority of my conversations were carried out in Japanese.

What type of money is used here?:

The yen is still used in Tokyo, however, things are definitely more expensive. I noticed right away that many of the convenience items I would buy back in Osaka for cheap prices (chargers, snacks, etc.) were way more expensive in Tokyo! I had to find a new adapter to get my laptop working in the city. Almost all of the adapters I found were around 4,500 yen (~$45)! In Osaka, I would be able to find them for 500 yen (~$5).

How much does a bottle of water cost?:

Bottles of water cost around 150-200 yen in Tokyo, which isn't much more expensive than in Osaka. I still found myself carrying around a bottle of water that I would refill periodically. I'm stubborn and didn't want to pay more for city water!

What was the best meal this week?:

My favorite meal this week was a Mickey Mouse glove-shaped chicken pao sandwich I found at Tokyo Disneyland.
