Rural Eye Care


Most people here have never had an eye exam, nor been asked the questions I wrote above. So those in rural communities do not know if their eyes are healthy or not and when they should get glasses, surgery or other treatment. 

What community need did I learn about?:

Everyone in the community here is suffering from poor vision, but none are getting their eyes checked or treated. Children can't see what's written on school whiteboards, and parents don't know that their children need glasses. Elders are going blind, but are not receiving treatment that could save their vision. 

Why does the community have this need?:

There is a lack of good eye doctors and eye care services in the local village. It is recommended that everyone should get their eyes checked once a year, but those in rural China generally have to travel for miles and miles (1-2 hours) to the closest city to get an eye exam. 

Is this need being met? How?:

Hospitals in big cities are sending health professionals and resources to rural communities to help. These organizations and individuals provide free eye screenings and glasses to all. These professionals also educate the community about dangerous eye diseases and the importance of getting an eye exam every year. 

Yueqing, Wenzhou