My Week in Italy! Hot Springs on the Island of Ischia


Over my ten-day vacation from school here in Morocco, I decided to visit Italy. While I was in Italy, I decided to visit the volcanic island of Ischia in the Bay of Naples. Ischia was formed in a way similar to that of how the Hawaiian islands were created.

Because it's a volcanic island, it still has natural thermal vents that create hot springs. Hot springs are created through thermal vents that lead down to the base of the volcano which then heats a body of water that is located near the vent. Hot springs are really fun to visit because it's like a natural jacuzzi, and you can relax while soaking in them. These natural hot springs are a unique part of nature that we should take care to make sure they are not ruined for future generations.

What does this creature or plant look like?:

While the Spiaggia di Sorgeto is not specifically a creature or plant, it is a really cool part of nature here on the Italian coastline. It looks like a very beautiful beach on the side of a scenic cliff. To get to the beach where the hot springs are located, you have to first drive all the way around the island. Then you have to walk down 246 steps along the cliffside. While it's really hard to get to the hot springs, it is extremely worth it once you are there.
