All About Me

I will be writing a post all about my job soon, so I will not give more detail than that for now. I have a lot of prior experience living in Germany, but this is my first time working here.

Here is some more information about me. My traveler bio already introduces me, but it does not say a lot about me. I am an only child, so I have no brothers or sisters. My parents and I joke that my dogs are my siblings. My dogs' names are Addie and Luna. Luna is the older of the two and will be 12 in December. Addie will be six in July. I really love animals of all shapes and sizes. Since my parents are both allergic to cats, we only have dogs at home. I cat-sit for my friends when they are on vacation though. Some other fun facts about me are that I am left-handed, double-jointed in my hands (my fingers bend back further than normal) and have a blue belt in karate.
