Charity Shops for Change

Parent charities support everything from medical research to child development to animal welfare and more.

Charity shops also provide affordable clothing options. Many items of clothing, including shirts, pants, shoes, coats, jewelry and purses, sell for a fraction of their original price. Cheap clothing options are especially helpful during the colder months. Many of my study abroad friends (including me!) did not bring warm enough coats to Edinburgh. Luckily, we can find fashionable and affordable options in our nearby charity shops.

Is this need being met? How?:

Volunteers make the success of charity shops possible. In the United Kingdom, about 230,000 people spend their time volunteering for these shops! In addition relying on volunteers, charity shops also rely on donations. By reselling donations, charity shops raise the money they need to support their parent charities. In the United Kingdom, charity shops raise more than $378 million every year!

Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
