Χάρηκα—Nice to Meet You!

Paphos Cyprus
Journal Entry:

     Γειά σας (Hello) from sunny Cyprus! Με λένε (My name is) Kirsten Huffer, and for most of my twenty-five years, I called Tallahassee, Florida home. As an only child, I grew up loving to explore new places with my family. Traveling always excited me because it was a fun way of learning that made the world my classroom. When I wasn’t traveling, I was spending time outdoors, rollerblading, playing sports with my dad, drawing, knitting, snuggling with my cats, reading, and baking with my mom.

     My love of exploring led me all the way to Davidson College in North Carolina, where I majored in art history and classics. Classics is the study of the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome. These cultures once lived in (and beyond) the Mediterranean area of what we now know as Europe. I especially loved learning Latin, the language of the ancient Romans, which I began studying when I was in only seventh grade and which I continued studying through high school and college. I always felt there was something magical about learning new words and phrases that gradually helped me understand more and more ancient poems, stories, and even graffiti inscriptions!
