Planes, Trains, Metros, and Buses

But one day the metro was running late, and so it was about to be very crowded.  One of my friends suggested that we take the bus instead. The bus was so much easier because it involved less walking and I loved seeing more of the city on my way to school. When I visit my friends in the other arrondissements (parts of the city), though, I often take the metro because it is often the faster mode of transportation. 

Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

On the way to school or work, people are often quiet on the bus and metro. However, in the afternoon most people are more talkative with their neighbor or with friends. I find this a great way to test my listening and see what I can comprehend from different conversations. Who says eavesdropping can't be educational? I also feel more integrated with the city when I take the public modes of transportation. When my mom and sister visited me they relied on the app Uber to bring them everywhere and I think that takes away from the true Parisian and city experience. 

Paris, France
Location Data:
POINT (2.3522219 48.856614)
