My Name is Jennifer, Nice to Meet You!

I was fortunate to be awarded the scholarship and hope to use this experience to learn about how research is conducted in a European country and bring that knowledge back home to the United States with me.

So how did I end up picking to do my research in The Netherlands? I’m interested in researching Alzheimer’s Disease, which is a disease in elderly people that affects how well they can make memories. I found a researcher here in The Netherlands that works on Alzheimer’s Disease and he agreed to let me work in his research lab and to explore the culture here! I’ve really been enjoying living here so far. I live in a small city named Nijmegen (pronounced “Nigh-meg-hen”) which is right on the border between The Netherlands and Germany, it only takes me an hour to bike to Germany from my house! It's a beautiful city with lots and lots of history, it's actually the oldest city in all of the Netherlands. I am excited for this opportunity for us to share our journeys with one another and learn together throughout this next year! Bye for now! Or as the Dutch would say “Doey”!
