Ruaha National Park Safari

Seeing the large families of elephants made me think of my family and how connected we are through the love we give each other.

Where does it live?:

Elephants live in Ruaha National Park and are always moving around to find water and plants to eat. They will travel hundreds of miles to find water and new sources of food. You can find them wandering from the plains all the way to the top of mountains, so they live almost all over the park.

How does it use its environment to survive?:

Elephants eat mostly green plants and they have to eat a large amount to sustain their large bodies. They move around in search of different areas that have lush green vegetation around the park. They also tend to live by a source of water, which in Ruaha National Park is the Great Ruaha River.

What can harm this creature or plant? Are we worried about it?:

Elephants are very large and do not have a predator that hunts them. The main concern with elephants is finding a good source of water and constantly finding plants to eat. They are peaceful creatures who only become territorial if they have baby elephants to protect. Some people also illegally hunt elephants so they can sell their ivory tusks. Park rangers protect the elephants and all animals as best they can.

Ruaha National Park, Iringa
