Farewell: Bye South Korea!

Keeping up with classes, making new posts, and maintaining a social life have spread my time pretty thin. Nonetheless, I am certain that this experience was only enhanced by having the chance to reflect on my experiences with you all. 

Funnily enough, even after almost four months here, I still find myself in disbelief at the idea that I am actually living in Seoul. I know it might sound cliche, as I am sure everyone states this at the end of their time abroad, but being here has truly impacted me. You really do not know your limits until you push yourself, and Seoul has proven to do just that. From traveling around Seoul, to getting to explore a few of South Korea's well-known cities, I have had to push the boundaries that I previously lived within. As I close this chapter of my life, I can only hope to continue to grow in the leaps and bounds that I have witnessed here. 

Overall, the biggest thing that stands out to me as I think about having to leave Korea, is the relationships I have made here. I do not think that I ever imagined that I would be standing here today with the new connections I have forged, and the memories that we have all shared together. I am certain that this is not the last time I will be seeing many of these people, and as we grow older, I cannot wait to see the things we all go on to accomplish. The past four months have been trying, but they have also been so uniquely mine. Seoul and this time of my life will forever be special, and I am honestly still in shock that it has all happened. 
