Nature News

Number of sunny days this week: 4
Number of cloudy days this week: 3
What is the air temperature right now in Fahrenheit?: 65
How was the weather this week?:

We have been getting deeper into winter here. Rabat is along the coast and the current from the ocean makes it chilly at night. However, the sun is still strong and makes it nice. 

What animals did I see this week? :

I saw a random peacock, plenty of dogs and cats, donkeys, horses, goats, sheep, chickens, roosters and fish.

What was the coolest thing I saw in nature this week?:

Since my friend was in town, we went to several places outside Rabat, including Marrakech, Fes, and Tameslouht. The best was watching the sunset from the roof of our hotel in Marrakech. 

Other Nature News from this week:

I was excited to show my friends my home in the village of Tameslouht, Morocco where I spent two years of my life. Tameslouht inspired all my project ideas and the idea to found my organization. My friends enjoyed the scenery and got to experience the atmosphere along with my storytelling.