Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

200 kilometers? I'm not entirely sure. 

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

Lots of kilometers. 

How did I get around this week?:

I traveled by BlaBlaCar. It's the best way to get around Galicia, and it's a ride-sharing app that rates passengers and drivers on how good they are at talking. If you talk more, you get more "blablas"; if you talk less, you have fewer "blabla" ratings. I learn a lot every ride a take, and it's an excellent way for me to practice my Spanish and Galician. 

What was the most interesting place I visited this week?:

I had the opportunity to visit Ourense to get a taste of the castañas during o magosto, Galicia’s famous “Chestnut Festival.” This festival is a good frame for the nature of Galicia, Spain’s unique Northwestern region full of its own traditions, language, and incredibly warm people.  

Some friends and I hiked up to a mountain overlooking the city of Ourense (about 100 km away from Lugo). Some scattered tiles (azulejos) marked the entrance to a hidden path; over a ridge, the sound of gaita music and the smell of roasting chestnuts drifted towards us above the green trees. 

