Seeing the World Through Different Eyes

She told me about her life goals and how she wishes to help as many dogs as she can in Georgia as we shared a vegan pizza together. As someone who enjoys burgers from In n Out, it was interesting to learn about her vegan diet. Here in Georgia, a lot of their best meals included meat. Such as khinkali, soup dumplings that have beef inside them. Kachapuri is known for its amazing cheese and egg mix. These were foods she wouldn’t eat. I agreed with her views on how animals should be treated. It made me realize that I could personally benefit from at least a vegetarian diet. So, I began eating more vegetarian foods and only having meat on occasion.

Another friend I made here is a young man named Abduhl. He was born and raised in Saudi Arabia. I never had a friend who came from such a different background. His home country was something I knew little to nothing about. Then he told me how his household works and how students like him go to college. Students in his country receive free financial aid to study anywhere in the world. When he began comparing his country’s politics to the United States, I listened and asked questions. I didn’t fully agree with his ideas, but I enjoyed learning about his culture. We both came from such different worlds, but we were able to sit and discuss where we both came from. We were open-minded and never pointed fingers at our different politics.

Back at home, there are still a few problems with people accepting others different than them. That is why I am glad to be here. I have met so many people from different countries. Most of my closest friends I have made here have never even seen the United States. I have met people from Sweden, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan and many other countries.
