Krakow, Poland


This is the plaza (main square) in Krakow, Poland! Just a five minute walk from my hostel!
One thing I loved about Poland was all of the CHEESE! This was sheep (oveja) cheese that was grilled and served with cranberry sauce! So great!
Every time I do a solo trip I like to walk to a bunch of local places This little gem was right outside of the main area of Krakow! Too bad I didn't bring my bathing suit (bañador)!
This fortress was near the city center of Krakow. Most of the buildings in Krakow are in their original state from the medieval era! This was the main fortress to enter the city!
Right by the center of Krakow there are lots of paintings being sold. At first I was afraid that it was a tourist trick, but they are all original! You need an approved permit to sell your art in Krakow. Qué guay no? (Beautiful, no?)
Interesting find #2: I stumbled upon these rainbow stairs on a walk through the city. There were famous quotes from so many people, but they were all in Polish, so I don't know which quotes they were. Do you have a favorite quote?
There was so much street art in Krakow, Poland! This one was so interesting to me. What do you think it could mean?
Another classic Polish food is doughnuts! The original ones have berry marmalade in the center and are glazed. Now you can buy ones with orange marmalade, cream, and chocolate! Which one would you try?!

