Recognizing Different Perspectives

For example, many of my Samoan friends enjoy the same music and movies that I do! This gives us something to talk about and helps me to build connections with them. It just goes to show that you can always find a friend, no matter where you are in the world!

One challenge that I've had is with the concept of "island time" and "going with the flow." These phrases, as you can guess, mean that Samoans, and other Pacific Islanders, have a more flexible concept of time. I must admit that I am most certainly not a person who takes things as they come. I love being organized and planning future events and tasks before they occur. It is in my A-type personality to always be early for meetings and to constantly think about the future. However, Samoans tend to have a more relaxed view of things and prefer to focus on the present. In the United States, deadlines and appointment times tend to be non-negotiable. I have found this difference between Samoans and Americans to be a challenge that has caused me a great deal of frustration. However, I also realize that this is a valuable cultural lesson, and although I don't think I will adopt "island time," I have accepted that other people think differently than I do.

It is important to recognize cultural similarities and differences. However, I think the most important thing is to always remain open to new ideas even if they seem a bit different to you at first. After all, the best way to learn is through experience!
