Immersing Myself in Israel's Wonderful Culture and Community

Many of the teachers go out their way to speak with me during breaks, in English, even if this is not the language with which they feel most comfortable. They are so welcoming to me in every way. I work with a local Israeli teacher who takes care of me every day at school. She makes sure I help myself to snacks in the teacher’s lounge and introduces me to all of the other teachers. The first day of school, she wrote a welcome sign for me in the teacher’s lounge. She has been a huge part of my integration into teaching in Israel and within the elementary school where I work.  I was fortunate enough to spend Chanukah at her sister’s house, where I met her family and friends. I have been amazed by how friendly and welcoming everyone is here!

The students at my school are also so amazing! They want to learn all about my life but also teach me so much about their lives here in Rehovot. Many times, I find them teaching me Hebrew as I am teaching them English. It is an incredible culture exchange, and I will keep their life stories and experiences with me as I continue to teach in my future career. 

I love the culture here. We have met people on the bus who have invited us over to their houses for meals. Everyone treats one another like family. This was a little bit strange to me at first, but now I think it is amazing. I feel so grateful to be surrounded by such warm, loving people and am excited to keep these relationships throughout my life.

