Immersing Myself in Israel's Wonderful Culture and Community

Sometimes we have to remind ourselves to give each other space and to make sure we clean up after ourselves, as you have to do with any roommate. Overall, though, I have created great new memories with these lifelong friends. We also have a local Israeli who takes care of us if we need anything and plans weekly Sunday activities to help us build connections with each other and our community. His name is Doron, and he is a student at one of the local Universities in Rehovot. Our first-ever activity together was a scavenger hunt throughout the city.

Nonetheless, I moved to a new country to learn about the culture here and to make connections with Israelis. Such a special part of my journey here has been getting to know my host family, which consists of our hosting big sister, Orit, her husband, Shachar, and their three children.  My roommate Morgan was first put in touch with Orit and invited me over one afternoon for coffee. Ever since that day, we have formed a special relationship. Living in a foreign country can be challenging sometimes, but Orit and her family are always there to translate for us, give us advice on where to shop and eat, simply hear about what is going on in our lives, laugh with us, and feed us (a lot!). They always make sure we have plans for Shabbat dinner and that we are taken care of.  It feels so encouraging to have my own family here in Israel, and I know they will be in my life moving forward.

I also feel a large sense of community within the school where I teach English. I was nervous at first because most of the teachers speak only Hebrew, but I have been so pleasantly surprised.
