Taking Out The Trash

Is this need being met? How?:

The need is being met by the clean-up and the education material created by Sampah Rangers. People folllow Sampah Rangers online and think about the issue while learning tips about how to decrease one's plastic use.

A decade ago, there wasn't a public trashcan to be found in Bukittinggi. In fact, it was one of the founding members of Sampah Rangers that convinced the city officials that the city needed public trash cans. I myself do my best to reduce the amount of trash I produce by declining straws offered at restaurants, carrying a water bottle, and ALWAYS asking for paper instead of plastic. (That last one always sparks confusion because I even ask for paper when I order cold drinks). (I also admit this is something new I started doing since I came here). We can all do our part, students!

Bukittinggi Indonesia
