Integrating into My Community

Dakar, Senegal
Journal Entry:

Integrating into my community in Dakar has been an ongoing process. I lived with a family when I studied abroad here a year ago, so when I moved back, I already had that connection. My old host family will often invite me over for dinner and family parties, which is really warming. Even still, I'm living on my own this time and can sometimes get lonely. Luckily, I've made some really incredible friends that make Dakar feel like a home for me. 

I also try to abide by Dakar's social norms, like wearing more modest clothing and saying, "Salaam Maleekum" (which means "Hi, peace be upon you") to everyone I pass on the street. Doing so helps me blend in and shows that I am respectful of the local culture. This makes locals more open to engaging with me. 

Integrating into a community is no easy task. Being a foreigner means that integrating is often uncomfortable and that a lot of times, I mess up...but that's okay. It is a learning experience and Senegalese people value that I'm trying. Because I try, they are more open to opening up their community to me.