How Do People Get Around Cape Town?

I also live near Cape Town International Airport, which has cheap flights to other spots in South Africa like Pretoria and Johannesburg.

How did I feel when I tried this way of getting around?:

I grew up in a city, so I am no stranger to public transport. However, I have repeatedly been warned mainly to use Uber instead of public transport, so I have not taken a bus, minibus or train yet.

Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

Cape Town is a bustling city, and minivans that zoom down the main streets are the best way to get around the unorthodox shape of the Cape Peninsula. The drivers of these minibuses can typically be heard shouting destinations in English and Zulu at commuters to attract customers. At first, it was very jarring, but every South African knows how these drivers work and how handy they can be!

Cape Town, South Africa
