My Internship

WX2W+GGJ, Autop. Florencio del Castillo, Provincia de Cartago, San Diego
9.900486100000, -84.002216800000
Journal Entry:

My study abroad program is divided into two parts. Block 1 is five weeks and includes a Spanish intensive course and a social justice and development class. Block 2 is a seven week internship that we got to choose. During my time here it was a goal of mine to learn about their universal healthcare system and how it compares to the United States. Ultimately I decided to do my internship at a location called Equipos Básicos de Atención Integral de Salud (Basic Comprehensive Health Care Equipment) or EBAIS. The organization seeks to address healthcare for all. Regardless of economic level, age, location and race, everyone is treated with the same care they deserve. EBAIS guarantees a basic level of healthcare that includes “free” and accessible vaccinations, checkups, medications, exercise classes and health testings. The community loves this resource and it is very well used by the people. They have a wonderful outlook on their health, and getting the care they need.

Costa Rica has their unique universal health care system where patients pay into social security (only 8-10% out of your annual salary) to get "free" healthcare. This has opened so many doors for the community to receive the proper care they need to live happy and healthy lives.
