Observing Japan

In restaurants and parks, people are also very calm and speak in mannered voices. The only ones that one can sometimes hear being loud are kids, but this is normal because, like me, they are also learning how to behave in Japanese society.  

Respecting time is also very important in Japan. It took me a while to get used to how punctual Japanese people are. The way I solved this problem was by always allowing a little extra time for myself and arriving at least five to 10 minutes early to an appointment or meeting. The concept of punctuality in Japan has also helped me learn how to better manage my time so I take the most advantage of my study abroad. By being punctual and keeping to a rough schedule, sometimes I can do work and explore a city both on the same day. How cool is that? 

I think that observation has been my best friend through this process of assimilation. I constantly observe and try to imitate how people walk, eat and interact with each other, their body language and their reactions in given scenarios. This is by far what has taught me the most about behaving in Japan.
