The Moscow Metro

I have also ridden on the buses here, which again are almost exactly like those in Chicago, though this time they are not more beautiful. I have yet to use a taxi, as this mode of travel is more expensive. The trains do close at one A.M., though, so if I ever have some late night adventures through the city, I may have to use one.

Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

The metros have been around since before World War II and were planned at the beginning of the Soviet Union, so almost all of the people who live in Moscow have had them available throughout their lives. As you can see, they still have lots of Soviet art in them that has never been removed because it has become a part of their culture. Now this is where I would like to talk about my favorite car that you will only see in former Soviet countries, such as Russia. It is called a Lada (check out the picture), and it looks almost like a box. This was the only car that Russians were given in the Soviet Union (one per lifetime), so they had to make them last a very long time. Imagine your parents having a car, and then when you turn 20, you take their car and use it for the rest of your life. Ladas are not the most common car anymore, even if they used to be the only kind of car in Moscow, but I still love seeing them drive down the street. 

Moscow - Russia
