Daily Life of Francesco

Hello is "Ciao," "Salve," "Buongiorno" or "Buonasera" depending on the time. In the morning and afternoon, you say "Buongiorno" and in the evening, "Buonasera."

Do you have pets?:

I don't have the space in my home to have a pet!

Have you traveled? Where have you traveled to?:

I have mostly traveled in Italy. I love trying different Italian foods and ingredients, so I like to travel where I can eat something special and local.

What do you do for work?:

I work at Fres&Co, a salumeria. I sell organic, local meats, cheeses, oils, wines and truffles. All of our ingredients are high quality, which is why I like my work.

Is there anything else you would like to say to students in the United States?:

Come to Rome! And make sure you see all of the beautiful museums and architecture here. And also, eat good food! Good food is one of the best things of life.
