Goodbye, Australia!

It was absolutely gorgeous in Tassie (Australian slang for Tasmania), and I did a lot of hiking while I was there. I also got the chance to hang out with even more animals! I held a wombat and fed some ring-tailed lemurs at Tasmania Zoo. I learned that wombats are built for digging and that they create extensive tunnel systems. I also learned that their poop is cube-shaped! I think the wombat is my second-favorite Australian animal; it's a very close race with my first being the kangaroo. Do you have a favorite Australian animal?

With all of the amazing experiences that I have had in the past few months, I think that I will miss Australia a lot. I have made a lot of friends during my time here, and I'm thankful for them and all of the memories that I've made. I'll never forget the gorgeous views I had of Australia while climbing to the tops of mountains, surfing huge ocean waves and even jumping out of a plane! I'll also always cherish the lessons that I learned while studying abroad. This trip has helped me to recognize worldwide perspectives and exposed me to a culture that I've come to love. I'm thankful that I was able to have so much fun while getting a few steps closer to earning my degree. Studying abroad is the best experience I've had in college so far!

Thank you all for joining me on my big journey down under (in Australia)! I know that you all will experience your own amazing adventures throughout your lives. Whether you travel a few miles down the road or decide to fly across the world, there are so many life-changing, fun opportunities waiting for you. Never be afraid to get out and explore.

Cheers, mates! 
