Making a home in Geneva

I cooked a giant turkey, and had everyone try to make a Thanksgiving side dish. We talked about what the holiday is all about and how much it means to families and friends in the United States. Not only did I feel more at home by preserving this one aspect of my culture, but I became closer with my new friends as we shared it together. 

This also happens in your classroom! When you start a new school year, your teacher might have a new way of doing things and you might feel less comfortable at first. As you learn more about the class, you are more confident in asking questions and trying more activities. Then, you start to share your own perspectives and teach others about yourself. 

No matter whether you are in a new school, a new neighborhood, or a whole new country, it takes time to become a part of your new community. You slowly make friends, learn how people live, and feel more and more like a member. Just remember: we have as much to share with our new communities as they have to share with us! Do not be afraid to show who you really are as you learn about others. 

