Farewell to Ghana and to You

Like with every significant trip I’ve ever taken, I’ve also learned some more general life lessons. This semester has taught me that sometimes, taking a long break is okay in the long run, whether it’s in academics or a long hike! I’ve learned that standing out isn’t the worst thing in the world, and being a little different can lead you to some fantastic friendships. I’ve learned how valuable it is to learn about a people and a history that’s so removed from my own, because in the end, we’re all more connected than we might think we are!

Some of my greatest memories from this trip are small; not everything has to be hugely meaningful. I’ll always remember the texture of fufu on my tongue and the sound of the laughter of Ghanaians who were kindly letting me know how incorrectly I was eating it. I won’t forget the ethereal sight of post-rain mist rising above the treetops in the Ghanaian jungle as I traversed the canopy walk in Kakum National Park. I’ll remember the fear and exhilaration of realizing that I narrowly avoided stepping on one of the most venomous snakes in the world during a hike! 

I’ll also remember, however, one of the greatest highlights—getting to come to New York and meet all of you! Corresponding with PS200 has made me think more deeply about everything I’ve seen and done, and visiting your class and answering your questions meant a lot to me. You all showed an intelligence and curiosity that made me want to learn more about the world around me! I want to thank you for coming along on this journey with me and having patience with me as I learned to balance a difficult, hectic semester with keeping up with Reach the World. I couldn’t have asked for a better school or better classes!
